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    Az új raspbian-on visszavették a core sebességét alapértelmezettre (250MHz) turbo mód esetén is. Az sd kártya hiba javításáig, mert ez okozhatja. A többi paraméter megmaradt emelt órajelen.

    With previous image high turbo mode was
    “High” “950MHz ARM, 450MHz core, 450MHz SDRAM, 6 overvolt”
    Is that changed with the new image to
    “High” “950MHz ARM, 250MHz core, 450MHz SDRAM, 6 overvolt” ?

    asb on October 31, 2012 at 3:27 pm said:
    That is correct. Some users were experiencing SD card corruption issues when the core clock was pushed up above 250MHz, so until we’ve got to the bottom of that we’ve left it at the stock 250MHz for everything other than turbo mode (which will warn you about the reports of SD card corruption when you select it).

Új hozzászólás Aktív témák