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  • PuMbA


    válasz paprobert #64131 üzenetére

    Legjobb komment:

    "They couldn't care less. We've had issues with AMD drivers in a video production house where we ran Vega GPUs under Linux for DaVinci Resolve editing on the desktops and for rendering on the farm.
    Those were the worst years of my life where I had to support the investment that failed as soon as the decision to go with AMD was made.
    It costed our company the weight of those cards in solid gold.
    After years of battling AMD and failing, I made an ultimatum to our ceo and told him directly that I didn't want to support this anymore and that I'd leave if we didn't switch everything to Nvidia and I actually quit the company over this because the response was that it was impossible. 2 months later they sold all the AMD hardware at a fraction of the original price and managed to take a credit to switch everything to NVIDIA.

    Somebody else even made a huge post here and on r/linux, phoronix covered it slightly and AMD went into full panic mode, their developer advocate came here and on AMD forums and in emails and made many grand promises. Here we are almost 10 years later, same issues still exist.

    Oh yeah, and BlackMagic (DaVinci Resolve maker) today officially doesn't support their software on any AMD hardware. Thousands of editors, graders and admins go on forums and ask about AMD only to just get directed to Nvidia by the BlackMagic staff.

    Great job AMD! You don't deserve a single customer..."

    Amúgy tök jó, hogy végre a neten az emberek kikerülnek az AMD "varázsa" alól :) Jajj milyen jó fejek, rendesek, elolvadok, ópen-szósz, NVIDIA rósz, AMD überjó....1-2 éve ez folyt a csapból is. Végre kezd a jónép visszatérni a realitásba, most már ez nincs. Nem véletlenül olcsóbbak az AMD VGA-k, nem véletlenül vesznek az emberek NVIDIA-t még akkor se, ha az AMD több VRAM-ot ad.....semmi sem véletlen.

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