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  • body007


    Végre megértettem miért nincs a root-nal jelszava pi-n :D

    There is no root password (you can create one, but that is inadvisable, which is why Debian doesn't have one). Why do you want the pi user (who is a system Administrator) to be unable to do anything on the system? If you need restricted users, create them! – Milliways Nov 20 '16 at 5:44I suppose I might be pulling more than I should from my Fedora experience (where root does have a password). In any case, the company I work for is using Pi's as media players, since a bit of Linux experience and the Pi becomes just as good as the several-hundred-dollar solutions we were using before. This means that the Pi user is always logged in with no lock screen. While there isn't really anything of concern saved directly to the Pi's themselves, and the whole premises is under constant surveillance anyway, it feels just wrong to leave a networked device unsecured in such a manner. – daviddavidson Nov 20 '16 at 6:20You're taking the wrong approach to securing the devices from tampering. Raspbian is also not intended for your use-case. I'd suggest using archlinuxarm on your RasPi(s) and adding only the software you need to the devices. Then securing the much smaller attack surface. (I use attack surface for lack of a better word). --- Rasbian is designed to be as friendly as possible to someone who's never heard of Linux before or ever got into embedded devices. As such, you'll find many security issues when used in a production environment. – Hydranix Nov 20 '16 at 6:41

    Disable sudo for user Pi (or require root password)

    Mindenkit egyforma külső inger ér, de egyén függő, h éljük meg :P

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