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Tisztelt topiclakók! Tudomásunkra jutott, hogy néhány fórumozó anyagi érdek(eltség)ei szerint tesz hozzászólásokat a topicban. Nyomatékosan kérem őket, hogy e tevékenységüket azonnal és végérvényesen hagyják abba, mert ahogy eddig, úgy ez után is független, érdekektől nem vezérelt és szakszerű hozzászólásokat szeretnénk látni a topicban, hiszen ez szolgálja a közösséget.
Új hozzászólás Aktív témák
OFF: egy új alfa FW-t tesztelek, annyit elárulhatok, hogy épp a Lite53D számára komoly fejlesztések vannak benne:
1. (For all models) "Lite" Blu-ray playback mode.
- BD-ISO and BDMV folders are supported.
- Movies consisting of a lot of M2TS files (MPLS playlists) are supported, with automatic transition from one M2TS file to another (with a very small gap).
- Playlist choosing is supported (thus, if a movie has several versions, it is possible to choose the desired version, and also bonus materials can be played).
- Playlist can be switched during the playback: press POP UP MENU, then LEFT, then choose the playlist.
- Chapters navigation is supported: press POP UP MENU to see the list of chapters and then choose the desired chapter, or press PREV/NEXT to switch between chapters.
- M2TS files navigation is supported: press POP UP MENU, then RIGHT, you will see the list of M2TS files for the current playlist.
- Audio tracks choosing is supported: press AUDIO and choose the desired audio track.
- Subtitles choosing is supported: press SUBTITLE and choose the desired audio track. Also, subtitles configuration (move up/down, color, etc) is supported the same way as for regular file playback.
- Time seek and time search are supported the same way as for regular file playback (LEFT/RIGHT/UP/DOWN/P+/P-, SEARCH).
- Trick playback modes (fast forward, slow forward, pause) are supported the same way as for regular file playback (Note: fast rewind is not supported, as when playing regular M2TS files).
- Zoom, picture adjustment settings, and other playback settings are supported the same way as for regularr file playback.
- Bookmarks (remember playback position on stop) are supported the same way as for regular files.2. (For Lite53D) Web browser added.
- The possibilities are the same as for player models based on Sigma Designs 864x platform (except that the amount of available memory is smaller, and thus less complicated web sites are supported). I.e.:
- To enable convenient navigation through web pages: connect USB keyboard or mouse (or Dune HD Qwerty RF remote) before starting the web browser.
- To start the web browser with the default URL: launch the "Web Browser" application in the main menu.
- To start the web browser with the given URL: press URL RC button in the main menu.
- To start the web browser with the URL from the given file: Press URL RC button in the main menu: Create .url file by dragging-and-dropping a URL from the URL field of Internet Explorer, or create it manually using the following example:
- Press UP/DOWN/P+/P- to scroll through web pages.
- Press LEFT/RIGHT to switch between elements on the web page, press ENTER to open the link, press RETURN to return to the previous page.
- Press STOP to exit the web browser.
- Adjust some web browser settings in Setup / Applications / Web Browser.3. (For Lite53D) Support for FlashLite applications added.
- The possibilities are the same as for player models based on Sigma Designs 864x platform.
- FlashLite-based VOD service "IVI.ru" added.4. Some other changes/fixes.
Új hozzászólás Aktív témák
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Cég: Marketing Budget
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