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PH-User #27461 üzenetére
Recovering Your Firefox Bookmarks
This is documented elsewhere, but perhaps comes across as too nerdy for some. If you're using Windows XP, recovering from a crash or whatever, and find that your Firefox bookmarks (and bookmarklets and bookmark toolbar) have disappeared, here's what to do:
- Find your profile in c:\Documents and Settings\[your XP user name]\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles
- There should be a subfolder there called bookmarkbackups. Find the most recent bookmarks html file in there (usually with a date after the 'bookmarks' bit.
- Copy it to somewhere safe and rename the existing one bookmarks.html.
- Copy it to the default profiles folder (up one level from the bookmarkbackups folder, deleting the existing bookmarks.html file.
- Close Firefox if it's running and relaunch it. Your old bookmarks should be restored.
An easier way is to find file as above in ....\profiles (bookmarks-2009-04-27.json) from old disk and copy back to same location on new disk, go to browser bookmarks then organise bookmarks (ctrl shift b) import and backup then restore your file will be there, restore this and confirm (this will overwrite existing ones) original bookmarks returnedha nem érthető lefordítom
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