Új hozzászólás Aktív témák
Sikeresen nyitottam ibkr számlát, szeretnék rá pénzt utalni, a bank transfer instructionnál a legvégén egy narancssárga felkiáltójel van, nem tudom mi nem tetszik neki.
Failure to include your brokerage account number U******** may result in delays or return of funds.We do not accept physical currency (cash) deposits. We will charge a special handling fee of 1% of the deposit amount (the minimum fee is HUF 18705) and apply a seven-day hold period to any physical currency deposits.
Note: this instruction should not be used for deposits in currencies other than HUF. It is critical that you provide your bank with accurate information when transferring funds. We are unable to assume responsibility for improperly applied instructions.
Third-Party Deposits - Interactive Brokers strongly discourages, and in most cases, rejects third-party deposits, which have historically been viewed by the financial services industry and its regulators as being highly susceptible to acts of fraud and money laundering. As a result, we may conduct additional due diligence on customer deposits. For more information on our policy regarding Third-Party Deposits, click here."
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