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    válasz Abu85 #8085 üzenetére

    "Egyébként az Intel nem perelte be az NV-t. Pusztán egy meg nem jelent termék kvalifikációja során az Intel egy "elhasalt" pecsétet dobott, ami azt jelenti, hogy nem ment át a DMI busz az ellenőrzésen.

    "Intel has sued Nvidia over the latter's right to create and sell motherboard chipsets that support Intel's Nehalem (aka Core i7) class of desktop processors."

    "On Feb. 16, Intel filed a lawsuit in Delaware state court and asked a judge to determine whether graphics maker Nvidia has the right to develop chip sets for Intel processors that are based on Nehalem and offer features such as an integrated memory controller. Intel and Nvidia had signed an agreement in 2004 that allowed Nvidia to make compatible chips sets for Intel processors."

    Here's Intel's official comment: "Intel has filed suit against Nvidia seeking a declaratory judgment over rights associated with two agreements between the companies. The suit seeks to have the court declare that Nvidia is not licensed to produce chipsets that are compatible with any Intel processor that has integrated memory controller functionality, such as Intel's Nehalem microprocessors and that Nvidia has breached the agreement with Intel by falsely claiming that it is licensed."

    Erre válaszaként :

    "Feb. 18, when Nvidia issued a statement defending its position. Nvidia claimed the lawsuit does not affect chip sets that are already shipping."

    Már pedig, az Intel pert indított az NV ellen, vagy hazudik média, sőt az Intel hivatalos nyilatkozata is :)

    Feb 16-án az Intel indított pert Delawere bíróságán, amire feb 18-án az Nvidia egy őert indított, hogy márpedig megvan a liszenszük...

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