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Új hozzászólás Aktív témák
What we know: Here's the situation to the best of our understanding: first off, a Microsoft' spokesperson told Develop that "on the new Xbox, all game discs are installed to the HDD to play." That means that there needs to be some mechanism to prevent a single retail disc from being installed and made playable on hundreds or thousands of Xbox One systems.
This could be as simple as the current method on the Xbox 360, which requires the disc to be in the system even if the game is being played from an installed hard drive copy. However, a report from Wired suggests this isn't how things will work on the Xbox One. That report lays out a scenario where a user installs a game on their own system and then takes the disc to a friend's house and pays a fee to install it on a second system, allowing both people to play the game.
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