
Új hozzászólás Aktív témák

  • antikomcsi


    válasz ddekany #46 üzenetére

    Aki még keresgéli, hogy mi ez az ne olvassa el a következő sorokat és ne kattintson a linkre!!

    The Honeywell Kitchen Computer, or H316 pedestal model, of 1969 was a short-lived product offered by Neiman Marcus as one of a continuing series of extravagant gift ideas.[10] It sold for $10,000 ($77,804 in 2016 dollars), weighed over 100 pounds (over 45 kg) and was advertised as useful for storing recipes. The imagined uses of the Honeywell Kitchen Computer also included assistance with meal planning and balancing the family checkbook – the marketing of which included highly traditional and patronizing representations of housewives.[11] Reading or entering these recipes would have been nearly impossible for the average housewife or cook, since the user interface required the user to complete a two-week course just to learn how to program the device, using only toggle-switch input and binary-light output. It had a built-in cutting board and had a few recipes built in. No evidence has been found that any Honeywell Kitchen Computers were ever sold.[12]

    The full text of the Neiman-Marcus Advertisement reads:

    If she can only cook as well as Honeywell can compute.
    Her souffles are supreme, her meal planning a challenge? She's what the Honeywell people had in mind when they devised our Kitchen Computer. She'll learn to program it with a cross-reference to her favorite recipes by N-M's own Helen Corbitt. Then by simply pushing a few buttons obtain a complete menu organized around the entree. And if she pales at reckoning her lunch tabs, she can program it to balance the family checkbook. 84A 10,600.00 complete with two week programming course. 84B Fed with Corbitt data: the original Helen Corbitt cookbook with over 1,000 recipes $100 (.75) 84C Her Potluck, 375 of our famed Zodiac restaurant's best kept secret recipes 3.95 (.75) Corbitt Epicure 84D Her Labaird Apron, one-size, ours alone by Clairdon House, multi-pastel provincial cotton 26.00 (.90) Trophy Room

  • Vesa


    válasz ddekany #41 üzenetére

    Én a kvázi mai verziójánál sem tudom mit kezd vele, 400eFt-ért. Ez is olyan mint a B**ptron lámpa meg a L*X porszívó. MLM-es túlárazott humbugok...

    A tudomány a valóság költészete!

  • Horbal


    válasz ddekany #30 üzenetére

    Asszem ua cikket olvastuk el.

    Állati életszerű, hogy a háziasszony beüti binárisan, hogy répa, mire a masina némi gondolkodás után kivillogja szintén binárisan, hogy milyen további összetevőkkel lesz abból kaja :) Sok helyet se foglal, nem úgy mint egy szakács könyv...

    Ahogy a cikk is írta inkább arra szánták, hogy barátkozzanak az emberek technikával, amolyan tech geg.

    [ Szerkesztve ]

    Balett cipőm nincsen nekem, de ha lesz én fő nem veszem!

Új hozzászólás Aktív témák