

Aktív témák

  • Repp


    válasz hodostamas #17415 üzenetére

    11.11.11 7.1.0-11:

    The official 7.1.0 and actual official nightlies doesn't include
    all our features. That is the purpose of the this release.

    Common: Connection Profiles and Notifications Enhancements
    Common: Lockscreen Calendar and options
    Common: Phone Landscape Dialpad Layout*
    Common: Keyboard : Swipe Gestures (caps, keyboard modes)*
    Common: Device specific Settings Menu
    Jordan: Multitouch and LED mode settings
    Jordan: Compass calibration and DSP settings (from motorola)
    Jordan: Better Battery Life
    Jordan: Button Backlight Tuning
    Jordan: Camera and videos Enhancements, enhanced stability*
    Jordan: Fake pds partition to prevent alterations
    Jordan: Enhanced ADB over Network (Notification icon)*
    Jordan: Recovery with devtree support
    Jordan: Open source ADBD and Busybox "adb shell" with history saving
    Jordan: Busybox 1.19.3*
    Jordan: Market fingerprint and stability

Aktív témák