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  • fgordon

    senior tag

    válasz jaffa 2843 #5869 üzenetére

    Szia, használt kártyáért maximum 5-8 ezer Ft-ot gondoltam, de nyilván a legjobbak erre a célra nem férnek bele.


    Itt ahogy olvasom, van olyan, Audigy, amin olcsóbb chip van.

    Valamint az Audigy 1 job chip-je sem tud mindent:

    "The Audigy and Live shared a similar architectural limitation: the audio transport (DMA engine) was fixed to 16-bit sample precision at 48 kHz. So despite its 24-bit/96 kHz high-resolution DACs, the Audigy's DSP could only process 48 kHz/16 audio sources. This fact was not immediately obvious in Creative's literature, and was difficult to ascertain even upon examination of the Audigy's spec sheets."

    Majd az audigy2-ben:

    "To address the biggest shortcoming of the original Audigy, a revised DMA engine allowed end-to-end high-resolution (24-bit) audio playback: 96 kHz 6.1 channel recording, and 192 kHz stereo. However, the high-resolution audio was achieved by bypassing the DSP, being decoded directly by CA0151 chip also known as "p16v" to take advantage of which Creative substituted CA0102 for the old CA0100 used in Audigy 1. Using the DSP with high-resolution audiostreams resulted in the Audigy's characteristic downsampling (to the EMU's native-rate of 48 kHz), for mixing with other audio sources."

    Ez a változás hol jön ki, hallható?

    ▏▎▍▋▊▉ Gordon (eleinte azt hittem) ▉ ▊▋▍▎▏

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