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  • Quetz


    válasz Vicarious1 #44831 üzenetére

    A DEQ-ról annyit érdemes tudni, hogy nem csak a basszust, hanem a magas frekvenciákat is módosítja:

    A logika azt diktálja, hogy ha az AVR multieq app kompatibilis, és lekorlátozod vele, hogy meddig nyúlhat bele a hangba, akkor tudsz csinálni DEQ-t ami csak a basszusra van hatással.

    A roll-off leírása pedig a multiep pro dokumentációból:

    Choose a Target Curve1 to be used in computing the MultEQ XT Filters

    a. Flat – A Flat target curve should not be used
    b. High Frequency Roll-off 1 (Default) – This curve introduces a slight roll-off at high frequencies that accounts for the balance between direct and reflected sound for small to medium size rooms (room volume less than 2500 cu. ft.)
    c. High Frequency Roll-off 2 – This curve introduces a slightly greater roll-off at high frequencies that restores the balance between direct and reflected sound for medium to large size rooms (room volume between 2500 and 5000 cu. ft.)
    d. SMPTE 202M – An international standard target curve is used for the high frequency roll-off applied in a typical 500-seat movie theater. It is appropriate for professional mixing spaces and dubbing stages that must be calibrated for film sound postproduction. It can also be used in extremely large playback spaces (room
    volume greater than 5000 cu. ft.)

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