Új hozzászólás Aktív témák
válasz darál0w #17970 üzenetére
A cikk
Olvass utána. Tegnap akadt a kezembe a magyar megfelelője a cikknek. De gondolom nem lesz neked gond.
Ha mégisA lényeg:
* Android 3.0 Gingerbread will be released in mid- October (around 15 -16th), 2010. First handsets shipping in November/December – for the Holiday Season.
* Minimum hardware requirements for Android 3.0 devices are: 1GHZ CPU, 512MB or RAM, displays from 3.5” and higher. (We all, of course, heard that Android handsets with 2GHz CPU’s are coming)
* New 1280×760 resolution available for the devices with displays of 4” and higher. (Anyone thinking about Android tablets now? )
* Completely revamped user interface. If you want to get a feeling of what Android 3.0 Gingerbread UX is like, check out the Gallery App on Nexus One. The same overall feel, light animated transitions,etc. Natively, through all the UI.
* Android’s split into 2 branches becomes official. 3.0 for top of the line/high end devices. Cheap, low-end mass market handsets will keep Android 2.1/2.2[ Szerkesztve ]
"A mosoly olyan, mint egy ablakban felgyúló fény, amellyel a lélek jelzi, hogy a szív otthon van."
Új hozzászólás Aktív témák
Cég: Marketing Budget
Város: Budapest