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  • Oliverda


    válasz derive #14613 üzenetére

    Nem biztos. A Bulldozeré sem annyira hosszú, bár nincs róla pontos adat.

    "Bulldozer's pipeline is deep, but it's not that deep. The exact number is not known, but it's in the lower twenties. Really, Bulldozer's pipeline length is not that much higher than Intel's Nehalem or Sandy Bridge architectures (around 16 to 19 stages). The big difference is that the introduction of the µop cache (about 6KB) in Sandy Bridge can reduce the typical branch misprediction to 14 cycles. Only when the instruction is not found in the µop cache and must be fetched from the L1 data cache will the branch misprediction penalty increase to about 17 cycles. So on average, even if the efficiency of Bulldozer's and Sandy Bridge's branch predictors is more or less the same, Sandy Bridge will suffer a lot less from mispredictions."

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