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atti_2010 #26050 üzenetére
Reagált az AMD...
Dear Customer,
You had submitted an AMD Issue Reporting Form on an issue you were experiencing with the AMD Catalyst 14.4 drivers.
The Catalyst 14.4 driver package included an updated AHCI driver which is responsible for the operation of your SATA hard drives. In some system configurations with AMD chipsets, the system would no longer boot and would not proceed beyond the animated Windows logo.
Based on your feedback, we were able to respond immediately and have the AHCI component removed from the Catalyst 14.4 driver package.
The updated driver is now available on our website.
If you have successfully restored your system and wish to install the latest Catalyst 14.4 driver, you can download the driver from the following link.
We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused and thank you for your assistance in helping us improve the quality of our drivers.
Ray Menzies
AMD Global Customer Care
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