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Aktív témák
RootRulez #41269 üzenetére
Úgy tűnik a third party cuccok okoznak gondot.
There's not much we can do with the error information unfortunately. All I can personally suggest is that you completely remove Windows Live Messenger and all add-ons (for example Messenger Plus! Live if it's installed).Then, download the latest version directly from the Windows Live Messenger website.
We seem to have an increasing number of users posting the EventType: BEX here. It seems to be a problem with "DEP" in most instances I've found (Data Execution Prevention). You could try searching on Google and adding Windows Live Messenger (msmsgr.exe) tothe DEP exceptions and seeing if that works
Komoly melóval próbálták már itt megoldani:[link]Én az UAC-ot is lelőném amíg buherálok.
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