

Új hozzászólás Aktív témák

  • Janos250


    válasz Teasüti #10212 üzenetére

    Olvastam én, csak eddig nem volt időm rá, de most összeütöttem.

    RMT-vel hogy csinálnál mondjuk 100 Hz 50% PWM jelet?

    Bár most látom, hogy Te 100 Hz-et kérdeztél, én meg 10 kHz-re emlékeztem. Sebaj, átírhatja, akit érdekel.

    Ha nem kell carrier, akkor ki kell kommentelni

    // 10 kHz RMT

    const uint8_t GPIOnum = 15;
    const uint8_t RMTchNum = 0;
    const uint8_t DutyCycle = 50 ; // %
    const uint32_t freq = 10000 ;

    const uint32_t clockAPBbus = 80000000 ; // RMT use APB bus clock
    const uint16_t highCiklNum = (uint16_t) ( clockAPBbus / freq / 100 * DutyCycle ) ;
    const uint16_t lowCiklNum = (uint16_t) ( clockAPBbus / freq / 100 * (100 - DutyCycle) ) ;

    const uint32_t RMTdata = ( ( (lowCiklNum) <<16) + (1<<15) + highCiklNum) ;

    void setup() {
    Serial.println("start setup");

    pinMode(GPIOnum, OUTPUT);

    *((volatile uint32_t *) (0x3FF44530 + GPIOnum * 4 )) = 0x57 + RMTchNum ;
    *((volatile uint32_t *) (0x3FF000C0)) |= 1 << 9 ;
    *((volatile uint32_t *) (0x3FF000C4)) &= (~(1 << 9)) ;
    *((volatile uint32_t *) (0x3FF560F0)) |= 1 ;
    *((volatile uint32_t *) (0x3FF560F0)) |= 2 ;
    *((volatile uint32_t *) (0x3FF56020 + RMTchNum*8)) = 1 ;
    *((volatile uint32_t *) (0x3FF56020 + RMTchNum*8)) |= (1 << 24) ;

    *((volatile uint32_t *) (0x3FF560B0 + RMTchNum*8)) = ( (0x80 << 16) + 0x80) ; // carrier freq
    *((volatile uint32_t *) (0x3FF56020 + RMTchNum*8)) |= (1 << 28) ; // carrier enable

    *((volatile uint32_t *) (0x3FF56024 + RMTchNum*8)) = (1 << 17) ;
    *((volatile uint32_t *) (0x3FF56024 + RMTchNum*8)) |= (1 << 3) ;

    for (uint16_t i = 0 ; i<(64) ; i++ ){
    *((volatile uint32_t *) (0x3FF56800 + RMTchNum *64 * 4 + i*4)) = RMTdata ;

    *((volatile uint32_t *) (0x3FF56024 + RMTchNum*8)) |= 1 ;

    Serial.println("end setup");
    delay(500) ;

    } // end setup

    void loop() {

    delay(1000) ;

    } ; // end loop



    *((volatile uint32_t *) (0x3FF44530 + GPIOnum * 4 )) = 0x57 + RMTchNum ; // GPIOnum output = RMT CH RMTchNum
    // p 58 (Tech. Ref, 4.12 Register Summary)
    // 0x3FF44530 = Peripheral output selection for GPIO_0 (GPIO_FUNC0_OUT_SEL_CFG_REG)
    // (0x3FF44530 + GPIOnum * 4 ) = Peripheral output selection for GPIOnum
    // 87 (0x57) = rmt_sig_out0 (p. 53 , 4.9 Peripheral Signal List)

    *((volatile uint32_t *) (0x3FF000C0)) |= 1 << 9 ; // BIT9, Remote Controller (p. 93)
    // DPORT registers/DPORT_PERIP_CLK_EN_REG =1 : enables the peripheral clock (p 92.)
    // PERIP_CLK_EN_REG (p. 95 , 5.4 DPort Register Summary)
    // BIT9, Remote Controller
    // DPORT_RMT_CLK_EN = bit 9 = 0x200

    *((volatile uint32_t *) (0x3FF000C4)) &= (~(1 << 9)) ; // PERIP_RST_EN_REG reset for peripherals (p 95)
    // BIT9 = DPORT_RMT_RST (RMT reset)
    // DPORT registers/PERIP_RST_EN_REG = reset for peripherals
    // DPORT_PERIP_RST_EN_REG = (DR_REG_DPORT_BASE + 0x0C4) = 0x3FF000C4

    *((volatile uint32_t *) (0x3FF560F0)) |= 1 ; // bit 0 RMT_APB_CONF_REG 1 = Set this bit to disable apb fifo access
    // RMT_APB_CONF_REG / bit 0 RMT_MEM_ACCESS_EN Set this bit to disable apb fifo access
    // This bit must be 1 in order to access the RMT memory (p. 402.)

    *((volatile uint32_t *) (0x3FF560F0)) |= 2 ;
    // RMT_APB_CONF_REG / bit 1 RMT_MEM_TX_WRAP_EN This bit enables wraparound mode: when the transmitter of a channel
    // has reached the end of its memory block, it will resume sending at the start of its memory region

    // RMT_CHxCONF0_REG 15. Remote Control Peripheral/ 15.3 Register Summary (p 396, 397.):
    *((volatile uint32_t *) (0x3FF56020 + RMTchNum*8)) = 1 ; // frequency divider's factor , bit7-0 (p. 396)
    // freq = 80 Mhz / 1
    *((volatile uint32_t *) (0x3FF56020 + RMTchNum*8)) |= (1 << 24) ; // memory blocks allocated to channel , bit27-24

    *((volatile uint32_t *) (0x3FF560B0 + RMTchNum*8)) = ( (0x80 << 16) + 0x80) ; // carrier freq
    *((volatile uint32_t *) (0x3FF56020 + RMTchNum*8)) |= (1 << 28) ; // carrier enable

    *((volatile uint32_t *) (0x3FF56024 + RMTchNum*8)) = (1 << 17) ; // CLK = 80 Mhz
    *((volatile uint32_t *) (0x3FF56024 + RMTchNum*8)) |= (1 << 3) ;
    // bit 3 : RMT_CHxCONF1_REG / RMT_MEM_RD_RST_CHn Set this bit to reset the read-RAM address
    // for channel n by accessing the transmitter

    for (uint16_t i = 0 ; i<(64) ; i++ ){
    *((volatile uint32_t *) (0x3FF56800 + RMTchNum *64 * 4 + i*4)) = RMTdata ;

    *((volatile uint32_t *) (0x3FF56024 + RMTchNum*8)) |= 1 ;
    // bit 0 : RMT_CHxCONF1_REG / RMT_TX_START_CHn . Set this bit to start sending data on channel n


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Új hozzászólás Aktív témák