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  • Shiro

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    válasz jonnyjoker01 #20581 üzenetére

    Mauvukánál én egyszerűen nem használom a motrot, a harcok során.
    Lehet használni physical dps-ként, vagy Chongyun, Candace tud neki adni infusiont, és akkor önmagával csinálhat elemi reakciókat.
    Igaz veszít a sebzéséből, de vizuálisan sokkal szebb így megéri. :D

    #20578 jonnyjoker01
    Én most Ochkanatlan küldetést csinálom, hát eddig jó kis lore bomba, azt meg kell hagyni.

    "A colossal creation, far larger than the rolling mountains, shining with a brilliance more dazzling than obsidian, floating in the sky like a volcanic cloud. Around it circled countless giant metal birds, greedily sucking away at its dark blood."
    Oké itt vannak az "idegenek", egy anyahajó és a sok kis vadászgép. :DDD
    "Back when it happened, beneath that giant, grotesque statue, I met a young woman within Och-Kan's fire.
    Slowly and calmly she walked towards me, as if the fire were nothing more than a gentle spring breeze. Her face... I have never seen anything like it. Even the purest of crystals could not be fashioned into the likeness of such skin, nor could the purest of turquoise be carved into such eyes. Yet for reasons I cannot explain, that face, which should have been the very picture of beauty, was... so nauseatingly repulsive."
    Valami istenség lehet, egy kicsit elkezdtem agyalni, hogy ki lehet?
    majd kiderült...
    "...That despicable demonic entity has been imprisoned within the statue, and yet it refuses to sing as I will it to. A wicked beast in truth, I suppose, to enact defiance it knows full well to be futile. Clearly, humanity shall only be safe from threat once we have imprisoned every last one of her kin, more wretched than she as they are...
    ...At present, the only problem that needs solving is that only their base, beastly blood can control these ancient machines. And yet they cannot be trusted, and I cannot expend all my energies controlling those mechanisms as the creature within the statue does...
    ...Since only the beasts' filthy blood can operate these devices, the only rational choice is to enslave the "draconic" part of myself..."
    ... hogy ő egy sárkány
    A játék nyitójelenetéből ez a mondat már máshogy hangzik:
    Unknown God: Outlanders, your journey ends here!
    Lumine: Who're you!?
    Unknown God: The sustainer of heavenly principles. The arrogation of mankind ends now.
    Gyanús, hogy Sustainer tulajdonképpen nem is isten, hanem sárkány. :U

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