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  • Blyan


    válasz buvartacsko #32 üzenetére

    Bulvártacskóként sem? :DDD

    Hivatalosan valóban nem létezik WP8 nevű termék.

    Windows Phone 8: codename Apollo
    Apollo is the codename for next generation of Windows Phone, as confirmed at an MSDN seminar in August 2011.[35] It is expected to launch in mid-2012 and Engadget believes that Apollo actually refers to Windows Phone 8.[36] It is believed the update will add NFC technology, dual-core chipsets support, higher-resolution screens to the platform, and eventually lead to a convergence of Microsoft's operating systems for PCs, phones, tablets,[37] and video game consoles seeing as the Xbox 360 also uses the Metro interface. It is speculated that Microsoft plans to move Windows Phone kernel from Windows CE into the isolated Windows core informally called MinWin that is the basis of Windows 7 and Windows 8, by rearranging APIs for both Windows and Windows Phone.[38]


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    The ability to destroy a planet is insignificant next to the power of the Force.

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