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  • MongolZ


    válasz Integra #19 üzenetére

    Ennyira nem kell negatívnak lenni.

    Az X-25V nagyon jó széria lett, de...:

    Samsung 830 2012. május:

    "Just 2 days ago, the Samsung 830 256gb was the first drive ever to pass the 1PiB/1000 TiB mark, doing so at an average speed of 260 mb/s(pretty stable, huh?). More awesome that surpassing 1000 TiB of writes and after a TRIM pass, averaging 300mb/s, is that the Wear Leveling reached 0 at...828 PiB.

    That means that under a very hard and stressful testing environment, the drive reached its "self-declared"(under SMART) life cycle end at...

    847872 GiB

    and still averages 300mb/s in writes. Its still running like crazy without any sign of a problem"


    "Samsung 840 - FINAL REPORT - DEAD - As of Day 52

    Drive Hours: 1235
    ASU GiB Written (APPROX): 443,309.73 (432.92 TiB)
    Avg MB/s (APPROX): 101.10
    MD5: OK

    Wear Leveling Count (B1): 3556 raw (1 normalized)

    Reallocated blocks (B3,05): 659 (79 normalized)
    Failure count (B5, B6): 0 program, 0 erase
    Uncorrectable Error Count: 0
    ECC Error Rate (C3): 0

    Drive is dead and does not respond to anything anymore."

    Annyira azért ez sem rossz eredmény.

    De itt van egy összesítő táblázat:


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