
Új hozzászólás Aktív témák

  • bwoay


    válasz macera2 #15250 üzenetére

    amit írsz, az a RB utilityvel történő telepítés, beillesztem ide a manuális módot is,
    hátha kell valakinek (pl nekem, mert már rég frissítettem).

    Make sure your player is in MSC mode.
    Download and Extract the normal build (rockbox.zip) onto your device.
    Create a folder 'rbinstall' in your on the Desktop
    Extract the OF, the bootloader AND mkamsboot into that folder.
    Open a new command promt window (Windowskey+R->cmd.exe). CD to the 'rbinstall' folder ('cd Desktop\rbinstall')
    Run mkamsboot from the command line window you opened in the previous step, passing the name of the OF file you've downloaded and the the bootloader file you've downloaded, as well as a name you can chose yourself for the patched output file
    (e.g. 'mkamsboot.exe fuzea.bin bootloader-fuze.bin patched.bin')
    Retry or abort if it does not report success!
    Copy the output file to the root of your device and rename it to whatever the OF file you've downloaded was named
    Safely reject, unplug USB and wait for the firmware update to finish.
    You've successfully installed the bootloader and Rockbox. It boots by default. For booting the OF press |<< very quickly or plug the cable in while it's off (plugging the cable doesn't work on Clipv2 and Clip+).

Új hozzászólás Aktív témák