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HussarF #164804 üzenetére
[link]"SUMMARY Recent evidence suggests that the gut microbiome may be altered by the intake
of artificial sweeteners. The goal of this study was to examine the effects of sucralose, an
artificial sweetener, on two gut bacteria; Enterobacter aerogenes and Escherichia coli.
Strains of each bacterium were established by long term culturing in three different
concentrations of sucralose in addition to maintaining a control wild-type strain cultured for
the same amount of time in the absence of sucralose. The growth rate of each strain was
determined in the presence and absence of 150mM sucralose and compared to the control
strain. The growth of the control E. coli strain was completely inhibited in the presence of
sucralose, while E. coli cells chronically adapted to 150mM sucralose showed a lack of
growth inhibition. The growth of the control E. aerogenes strain was also inhibited in the
presence of sucralose, but to a lesser degree than observed for E. coli. In addition to
examining the growth of these two strains in isolation, E. coli and E. aerogenes were studied
in co-culture. In the presence of any concentration of sucralose tested, E. aerogenes was able
to rapidly and completely out-compete E. coli, while similar major shifts in the co-culture
composition were not observed in the absence of sucralose. These findings suggest that
observed alterations to the gut microbiome composition in response to sucralose exposure
may be due to the way this compound differentially inhibits various species of bacteria."
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