
Új hozzászólás Aktív témák

  • mrgergoke

    aktív tag

    válasz atleticofan #31472 üzenetére

    Ezt találtam:

    Process is something like following:

    <foreign sender> Accepted from sender
    <foreign sort> Consolidated for local delivery
    <foreign inspection> Arrival at international place of exchange
    <shipping container processed> Consolidated for export (Export)
    <USA customs> Isc <USA entry point>(usps)Left international place of exchange
    <your region's sort facility> Sorting
    <your city> Arrival at delivery point
    <your home> Delivered

    Ez alapján én azt mondom, hogy most fog a Pesti központba kerülni, ahol kiszortírozzák, hogy mi hova megy.


    When the package tracking shows something like ISC, that means it is in USA and USPS will continue processing. NOTE: It will take several days for ISC (clearance) to change state to show package is continuing journey. The message can be confusing because it may say something like '....left...place of exchange....' - that just means it was offloaded at the ISC and is now going to customs inspection (which is where it may take some additional time to be processed)

    Itt a válasz! :)

Új hozzászólás Aktív témák