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    válasz DeltaPower #1851 üzenetére

    nemnem..., nem a kulso van szetnyilva..., hanem ez egy olyan gumi (mifelenk ezt szingonak hivjak) amin egymasra van ragasztva a tomlo es a futofelulet, en ugy itelem meg, hogy ott, ahogy az van, nem gaz, mer joideje ugy van...

    ''most racing bikes used ''tubular/single/sew-up'' tires which have no beads: they are sewn around the tube and glued to the rim. These tires provide an advantage in weight (lacking the relatively heavy wire bead), rolling resistance, grip and pinch flat protection, but their greatest advantage lies in the ability to use a very lightweight simple box-section rim, rather than the U-shaped clincher rim. A U-shaped clincher rim must use relatively heavier gauge to prevent the tire pressure from spreading the inherently weak U shape and allowing the tire to come off the rim''

    errol beszelek..., gyanitom, hogy nekem is ez van..., de hat manapsag miben lehet annyira biztos az ember...:B


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