

Új hozzászólás Aktív témák

  • Xerxész


    válasz Lapajbacsi #12818 üzenetére

    Rákontrázok: ;]

    101 Bugs HD
    Aquatic Life Overhaul
    Armor Disguises
    Auto Unequip Ammo
    Balanced Magic
    Bandolier - Bags and Pouches
    Better Dynamic Snow
    Better Swimming
    Better Vampires
    Birds of Skyrim
    Brawl Bugs Patch
    Burn Freeze Shock Effects
    Calientes Female Body Mod Big Bottom Edition
    CBBE Skin Texture
    Character Creation Overhaul
    Convenient Horses
    Crime and Punishment
    Dead Body Collision Fix
    Death Cam Duration Options
    Deployable Traps
    Detailed Faces
    Dragonkiller Cart Reloaded
    Duel - Combat Realism
    Economics of Skyrim
    Enhanced Blood Textures
    Even Better Quest Objectives
    Expanded Jail Cells
    Faster Arrows
    Fires Hurt
    Guard Dialogue Overhaul
    Harvest Overhaul
    Height Adjusted Races with True Giants
    Immersive Animations
    Immersive Armors
    Immersive Beds
    Immersive Patrols
    Improved NPC Clothing
    Lanterns of Skyrim
    Locational Damage
    Lock Overhaul
    Longr Jailtime
    Magic Duel
    Main Font Replacement
    Mature Skin Texture and Body
    Moonlight Tales
    Natural Eyes
    No More Blocky Faces
    Open Cities Skyrim
    Path of Shadows
    Project Reality - Climates of Tamriel
    Real Ice
    Real Shelter
    Real Wildlife - Skyrim
    Realistic Crime Radius
    Realistic Jump Height and Damage
    Realisting Lighting Overhaul
    Realistic Needs and Diseases
    Realistic Ragdolls and Force
    Realistic Running Speed
    Realisitc Smoke and Embers
    Realistic Wildlife Loot and Recipes
    Reneers Crime Overhaul
    Requiem - The Roleplaying Overhaul
    Real Time Reading
    Run For Your Lives
    Shadow of Morrowind
    Shooting Stars
    SkyBirds - Airborne Perching Birds
    SkyRealism - Capacity and Carry Weight
    SkyRealism - Encumbrance
    SkyRealism - Mass and Materials
    Skyrim Flora Overhaul
    Skyrim HD - 2K Textures
    Skyrim the Moon
    SkyTEST - Realistic Animals and Predators
    Sleeping - Fast Travel - Waiting - Sands of Time
    SM Drop Lit Torches
    Smeltdown Items to Ingots
    Soltsheim Landscape
    Sounds of Skyrim - The Wilds
    Static Mesh Improvement Mod
    Sublimal Traps
    Supreme and Volumetric Fog
    Tales of Lycantrophy
    the Dance of Death
    Torches of Skyrim
    Tougher Traps
    True Yield
    Ultimate Follower Overhaul
    Unique Region Names
    Warburgs 3D Paper World Map
    Weapons and Armor Degradation and Repair
    Weighted Items
    Wet and Cold
    When Vampires Attack
    Winter is Coming - Cloaks

    Mondjuk nem mindet fogom használni most az új játéknál... Több olyan van, ami egymást üti.

  • Tirexi


    válasz Lapajbacsi #12818 üzenetére

    Nekem pl az Unofficial Patch-ektől fagyott folyamat a játék.
    Egyáltalán mit javítanak ezek a nem hivatalos frissítések?
    Csak mert nekem jó ezek nélkül is a játék.

Új hozzászólás Aktív témák