

Új hozzászólás Aktív témák

  • Pompi


    válasz mcsabi84 #1536 üzenetére

    Nem tudom, hogy te mit kaptál, de szerintem ez nem egy adhoc, supportos által személyre szabott válasz levél, hanem egy standard (akár automata) válasz, egy vélhetőleg adatbázisból kivett dátummal kiegészítve:

    Re: General questions

    Orders are shipped based on the estimate in your order confirmation email. Once an order has been processed you'll receive a second ship confirmation email with your tracking number. It may take 24 hours for the package tracking to return any information for your tracking number.

    If you have not received a package tracking number after the time quoted in your order confirmation email, please let us know.

    According to our records, your order should ship by the evening of 05-01-2013.

    Neuxs 4 backorders: Please note that the above date is based on typical shipment processing and does not apply to Nexus 4 backorders. Nexus 4 backorders are being delivered based on the order in which they were received. If you receive a shipping confirmation email, then you will be able to track your delivery.

    For more information on shipping and delivery, please see this article in our help center:

Új hozzászólás Aktív témák