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    válasz n_gy_k #19 üzenetére

    Figyu én csak egy órajel emelkedést állítottam be de ugyanazt a bios-t rakom rá.
    Amikor 6800-as VGA -m volt rengeteg BIOS-t raktam rá MSi, Leadtek, ASUS. S ezek modosítva órajelben.
    De a 6800-hoz még jó volt a 4xx-es NVflash de ehhez már nem jó.

    -- Commands and Options --
    help ? Display this screen.
    save b <filename> Read EEPROM and save to <filename>.
    compare k <filename> Read EEPROM and compare with <filename>.
    tv x <filename> Transfer TV data from file to EEPROM.
    version v <filename> Display file version and ~CRC32
    (if no filename, acts on display adapter).
    display d [bytes] Display 256 the first bytes of the EEPROM
    (default is 256 bytes)
    check c Check for supported EEPROM.
    protecton w Write protect EEPROM (only on some EEPROM's).
    protectoff r Remove EEPROM write protect (only on some EEPROM's).
    straps m <straps> Change soft straps.
    format is: AND Mask 0, OR Mask 0, AND Mask 1, OR Mask 1
    guid q <guid> Set the IEEE 1394 GUID in the firmware image
    (GUID is in the form of 16 hex digits).
    guidsource 1 <location> Set the source of the IEEE 1394 GUID.
    main - main EEPROM image
    dedicated - separate serial EEPROM part
    list a List all NVIDIA display adapters found in the system.
    nolight l Do not light keyboard LEDs.
    overridetype 5 Allow firmware and adapter PCI device ID mismatch.
    overridesub 6 Allow firmware and adapter PCI subsystem ID mismatch.
    reboot y Reboot the PC after other tasks completed.
    keepstraps g Keep the soft straps already present in the EEPROM
    after flashing the new image.
    romstrap j Override the ROM strap setting to allow flashing an
    image when grounding the STRAP_SUB_VENDOR pin.
    This allows flashing a corrupted or erased EEPROM.
    Note: Make sure there is a physical EEPROM present
    when using this option
    index i <index> Force a specific device index.
    fwindex F <fw index> Index of which firmware image to use from a firmware
    auto A When possible, run without user intervention.
    directpci n Bypass the PCI BIOS.

    most ezek közül melyik az ''égető'' gomb?

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