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  • RM007


    válasz KillHates #82891 üzenetére

    és #82888 FőDudu:

    "hey, I bought the same dock and I am trying it on my GT60 using GTX980. When I connected everything and turned on the power and the laptop, the fan on the gpu and power supply just turned on for one second and stopped. The dock did not power on. Do you know what might be causing this?"

    "Yea I bought the x16 version and quite a while ago. I only set it up recently. I checked my power supply and graphic card on a desktop and they powered up just fine. I just hope the dock is not faulty. With GT70, does the dock turn on without the graphic card when plugged in to the laptop? Just wondering if there is a way to check if the dock is faulty. It would be nice to know it is the faulty dock and not my incompetence.

    "I will give an unlocked bios a go, I have the locked version and I am running out of ideas what else to try but I suspect it probably won't make a difference, I expect the dock to at least power up when plugged in to my GT60 :("

    "Anyway, thanks for your reply. As with your P751tm1, I am pretty sure it doesn't support optimus so no graphic switching options to unlock. If you want to utilize the internal screen while using the dock, I think the best bet is to stick with models that support optimus like GT60, GT70 and for clevo's old p15x, p17x, p37x models, I owned a P150em before."

    "Can you confirm the exact time the dock and the gpu got turned on in your case? Did it turn on as soon as you turned on the computer power supply or as soon as you turned on your laptop or when you got to Windows?
    I think I get the connection right (see photo). I also tried to connect the dock to my friend’s Dell M6700 today but same thing happened..the gpu and psu fan turned and then a “click” sound then nothing was on. I am starting to think that the dock could be faulty :("

    "Yea, the dock was sitting on my work shelf collecting dust before I finally had time and patience to test it out. Looks like it could be the mxm connector or the dock. I think I will just get another one to test it sometime later. I will keep you updated if I get one running if you like. Thanks for your help and congratulation for getting yours running well."

    A beszélgetésünk tőle származó részét ha nem baj megosztom veletek, jobb ha nem én a saját szavaimmal adom elő. :R
    Írtam neki hogy mások is a tápegységre szavaznak.

    (Nemsokára tesztelem az új kijelzőt, majd jövök a nap folyamán. :) )

    Nálam most az adapter úgy megy hogy ha bekapcsolom a laptopot akkor elindul, majd mikor bejön a Win kezdő kép akkor leáll egy pillanatra a ventilátor majd pár mp újból felpörögve megy minden magától ahogy kell. De eddig a másik gépemnél ez nem tűnt fel, hogy lenne egy olyan rész mikor egy pillanatra leállnak a ventilátorok a vga-ban. Érdekes.

    [ Szerkesztve ]

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