
Új hozzászólás Aktív témák

  • Peter Kiss


    Nem hiszem el! :Y

    Több, mint egy hete nem ment a beépített chat a Facebook-kal (Can't connect), és ez segített:

    Hey Guys,
    Try the following steps as it is mentioned below. Make sure the battery saver option is off before you try this.
    1) Turn of Facebook Chat.
    2) Set Chat status to Offline.
    3) Go to Battery Saver option in settings.
    4) Turn on Battery saver.
    5) Go to Advanced Settings inside Battery Saver.
    6) Tap on each of the three options there from bottom to top one after another.
    7) Come back and turn off the Battery Saver.
    8) Go back to messaging and turn on Facebook Chat.
    9) Now set chat status to available. It should get connected.
    Try these steps as it is mentioned. If still it fails, you can add a step between step 2 and step 3. This new step is nothing but switching your device off and then on. It should definitely work
    @Microsoft, plz fix this bug ASAP. Its a problem with your Windows 8. This issue has nothing to do with NOKIA or Facebook.


Új hozzászólás Aktív témák