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  • ArchElf


    válasz cucka #2171 üzenetére

    Szerintem nagyobb mozgást igénylő MySQL adatbázisokban (free web szolgáltatóknál) ezt csinálják:
    Table locking is also disadvantageous under the following scenario: A session issues a SELECT that takes a long time to run. Another session then issues an UPDATE on the same table. This session waits until the SELECT is finished. Another session issues another SELECT statement on the same table. Because UPDATE has higher priority than SELECT, this SELECT waits for the UPDATE to finish, after waiting for the first SELECT to finish.

    The following items describe some ways to avoid or reduce contention caused by table locking: Start mysqld with --low-priority-updates. For storage engines that use only table-level locking (MyISAM, MEMORY, MERGE), this gives all statements that update (modify) a table lower priority than SELECT statements. In this case, the second SELECT statement in the preceding scenario would execute before the UPDATE statement, and would not need to wait for the first SELECT to finish.


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