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  • Versus82

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    válasz Scoobyka #29048 üzenetére

    hát láttam egymás mellett a kettőt... tényleg agyonverte. 415ért lehetne szerezni 46w4730-at, 400-420ért 40z4500-at.. input lag:
    "We’re not sure if the theoretically faster LCD panel played a part here, but the input lag we measured on the Sony KDL40Z4500 was typically 15-20ms lower than that on the W4500, even with [Motionflow] engaged. Of course, the playing field would be levelled if [Game/Text Mode] was activated: the input lag on both TVs would drop to a mouthwatering 0-10ms, which – alongside vibrant colours and exceptional detail – paved the way for an utterly immersive gaming experience."[link]

    ''In stand up position I think I'll kill You...''-CroCop ........ Üt, rúg, hazabattyog....

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