- A gyári kábelek fontosságára hívják fel a figyelmet az új GeForce-ok gyártói
- Gyártófüggetlen módon oldja meg a részletes geometria problémáját az AMD
- Hardvereket szállít a virtuális fuvaros
- VGA-t károsító ASUS deszkák: a gyártó kínai részlege komolyabban veszi a dolgot
- Helytakarékos rackmount NAS sziluettje bontakozott ki a QNAP felségvizein
- Milyen belső merevlemezt vegyek?
- AMD GPU-k jövője - amit tudni vélünk
- Mikrokontrollerek Arduino környezetben (programozás, építés, tippek)
- VGA-t károsító ASUS deszkák: a gyártó kínai részlege komolyabban veszi a dolgot
- Azonnali VGA-s kérdések órája
- Kormányok / autós szimulátorok topikja
- Nvidia GPU-k jövője - amit tudni vélünk
- AMD K6-III, és minden ami RETRO - Oldschool tuning
- Sony MILC fényképezőgépcsalád
- Gyártófüggetlen módon oldja meg a részletes geometria problémáját az AMD
Új hozzászólás Aktív témák
senior tag
Hátha valakinek ez hasznos, a tegnapi patch leírása:
Another day another patch note fellow divers!
🔧 Fixes
Fixed multiple crashes triggered when joining other players’ ships.
Fixed crash triggered when exiting ADS.
Fixed crash triggered when players leave a session while bombardments are active.
Fixed issue where online missions in Galactic War Map were unselectable.
Fixed issue with GameGuard and Steam’s “verify integrity” step.
Fixed issue with GameGuard and the Windows firewall.
Fixed issue preventing access to Ship Management panel.
Fixed issue causing players to get stuck in the defrosting or in the ship intro cinematic
Fixed crash triggered when the process of buying Super Credits fails.
Fixed crash triggered after consecutive quickplay attempts.
Implemented a functionality that will kick players who remain idle for 15 minutes back to the title screen.
Continuous improvement on client > backend communications.
🧠 Known Issues
These are issues that were either introduced by this patch and are being worked on, or are from a previous version and have not yet been fixed.
No text is present for the Requisitions and Social Menu on the Player HUD
Crash may occur when trying to Match Make on Galactic War Map
PS5 players may encounter error code 10003001 on the login screen.
Login rate limiting when many are logging in at the same time.
Players can become disconnected during play.
Rewards and other progress may be delayed or not attributed.
Various UI issues may appear when the game interacts with servers.
Pick-up of certain objects in-game may cause characters to freeze in place for an extended period of time.
Other unknown behaviors may occur.
Japanese VO is missing from intro cutscene and Ship TV.
Armor values for light/medium/heavy armor do not currently function as intended.
Új hozzászólás Aktív témák
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Cég: Marketing Budget
Város: Budapest