
Új hozzászólás Aktív témák

  • rocket


    Kripp osszegez :)

    Overall, Witchwood is "not very good"
    Meta is similar to before the expansion despite the huge rotation - "When you cut out half the cards and people are playing the same thing, you've messed up".
    Meta changes slightly day by day but Paladin has three of the best decks (they're also some of the best in wild) which is a problem. Gameplay against all these decks is very boring.
    Odd and even decks are very hard to nerf but he suggested nerfing Baku's paladin upgrade to something like make a 3/1 that isn't a Silver Hand Recruit
    Call To Arms at 5 mana would be a good change to break even decks and odd decks can only pull one drops. Card would still be good. Call to Arms is "playable at 6 mana".
    Bloodreaver Guldan needs a nerf
    Quest Rogue is anti fun and one of the most oppressive decks ever. Control and midrange decks auto lose against it. Aggro decks auto win against it. Promotes an aggro meta - big problem. Quest Rogue should be Warsong Commander'ed and killed off.
    Aggro decks are braindead, rely on luck of the mulligan and first three draws.
    Constant balance patches including buffs would keep the game fresh. Inaction is harmful and makes the game stale.
    Monster Hunt was really fun, but a lot less content than Dungeon Runs.
    Arena took a huge dive when every deck became good. People are chasing and GETTING the same crazy power cards from standard. Gameplay is boring.
    Paladin and Rogue are "out of control" in Arena.
    Overall, weak expansion. A few new devs after depatures of old ones might mean Blizzard tries something new and makes changes.
    Players patience will crack at some point. 3 months of the same thing between every expansion is uninteresting.

    "A lower resolution generally means that there can be more quality per pixel."

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