
Új hozzászólás Aktív témák

  • Cathfaern


    Q: You are on the balancing team. Pardon me for being rude, but I have to ask you. What were you thinking about when you introduced Gadgetzan cards? Pirate Warrior deck is too unbalanced, and the expansion in general reduced the meta variation a lot. Warriors are only pirate, priests are dragon and it’s near impossible to find a druid that’s not jade.
    A: Our final objective is to create with each expansion a set of 3-4 "standard mechanic variations" per every character, and of course we are not happy when only one gets played. Talking about the Priest, you can effectively play a not-dragon priest, but people like dragons and that’s why we see a lot of them. Talking about the druid only 70% of his playerbase goes Jade, so it’s accettable for us. Pirate warrior killed control, but I think that’s because of Jade mechanics interactions with warrior control.

    Tehát classonként 3-4 decktípus a céljuk egy kiegben, de az teljesen rendben van, hogy a druidok 70%-a jade, illetve azért játszik mindenki dragon priesttel, mert szeretik a dragonokat? Nem szoktam kiakadni a HS dev-eken, de ez így WTF? :Y

Új hozzászólás Aktív témák