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  • WildSeven


    Allitolag ezzel a driverrel 3-4 fokkal hidegebb is lehet a gpu.

    De ilyet talaltam ROG forumon, talan ez a legjobb:

    Here is the Guide to install the new driver 310.90 on ASUS G75VX. I've installed it on Windows 7. For Windows 8 you might deactivate drivers signature.

    1. Download the new driver form nvidia.
    2. Download the modified .inf file from Laptopvideo2go.com (310.70 or 310.90)
    3. Start setup of NVIDIA driver and close it after the error appears.
    4. Go to C:\NVIDIA\...Display.Drivers
    5. Replace the default nvwi.inf with the downloaded modified one.
    6. Restart the Setup out of the extracted NVIDIA folder and installe new drivers.

    Just installed it on the G75VX with Windows 8; you indeed need to disable the driver signature validation (through the advanced start-up options) and follow the mentioned steps before you can run the setup.

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