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  • AxBattler


    válasz Pokesz007 #90091 üzenetére

    Az attól függ, hogy milyen játékot akarsz 144Hz-el tolni.
    Quake Arena biztos fut 144 FPS-el az RX480-on, a Ghost Recon Wildlands very high részletességgel már valószínűleg nem. Ha nem játszol komolyan / versenyszerűen multit, akkor talán a 75Hz-es kijelző megfelelőbb lehet.

    (#90093) Syl
    Pedig a kettő közül a BenQ-t venném inkább munkára, jókat írnak róla: Prad, PCmonitors
    Utóbbinál mondjuk írják is:
    "We observed frequent intermittent flickering when connected via DP to our AMD Radeon 290, which persisted despite trying a range of ‘high quality’ and relatively short DP cables. It persisted whether using DP-DP or DP-mDP. At times this became so persistent and distracting that we had to take action to rid the screen of this flickering. Simply turning the monitor on and off did not remedy this, we had to change the refresh rate to something other than 60Hz and then back again. We didn’t observe this on our GTX 1070, using either DP or HDMI 2.0, although we did observe very occasional and very brief flickering using DP that we didn’t find at all bothersome. This issue was widely reported with the predecessor of this model (BL3201PT/PH) and seems to affect older GPUs to a greater extent. We did not have a newer AMD GPU to test, although we’ve tested a number of other UHD models on that GPU some time ago without such issues occurring. If you do own an older AMD GPU (possibly Nvidia as well) – as in, pre HDMI 2.0 – be aware of this issue."
    Szóval csak akkor vedd, ha van hozzá türelmed.

    Esetleg egy AMVA panellel szerelt hasonló monitor?
    AOC U3277PWQU, Philips 328P6VJEB/00

    "Csak egy dologtól félek. Ha meghalok, az asszony eladja a gépeimet annyiért, amennyit bevallottam neki."

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