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  • DeckardCain

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    Microcenter tacked $50 onto the 1070 price

    This comment is going to get downvoted to hell but here goes... I tried to tell everyone that the 1070 launch was gonna suck in terms of stock. I work in e commerce and my distributors told me this fact last month.

    They were told by their NV rep that NV is having production issues with pascal thus they aren't going to have any kind of meaningful stock until mid to late July. The distributors themselves are the ones bumping up the price of these cards, it isn't the reseller's fault. I was allocated a total of 5 cards at retail price not reseller price... That's why you are seeing the mark up. There just isn't enough GPUs to go around and distributors are price gauging. I just told them to go eat a fat one and will wait for stock to stabilize.

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