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    válasz Ixion77 #68122 üzenetére

    Sehogy. :) Mint már említettem az AK4490 super slow filtere van átkeresztelve NOS-ra.
    "The DAC includes another filter which is called Super Slow in its data sheet. The impulse response looks perfect, but checking the output signal with an Oscilloscope reveals steps that are more typical for so called Non-OverSampling (NOS) devices, so we renamed it NOS within the DAC filter menu. Note that there is no audible distortion, the steps equal high frequency harmonics that are mostly higher than 20 kHz. Please also note that Slow and NOS filters cause much more aliasing into the audio band and out-of-band noise than Sharp filters. "

    (#68107) -FreaK-: És pszichésen hatott már a mérés? Elkezdted rosszabbnak hallani? :D

    (#68118) dave118: Értelemszerű, ha csak amp, akkor nincs benne dac. X4 jó lesz. Ha valamivel többet költenél, akkor Sabaj Da2/SMSL Idea. Ezek is kijönnek egy huszasból.

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