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  • arn


    The problem, or feature: Any soundfont file consists of Patch data and Preset data. You can load the sound patches to the ISA card patch RAM, but not the preset data. That is also why the same old EMU8k supports newer SF2 formats, because the EMU8k never parses the preset data. It could never be hardware MPU-401 compatible, because the EMU8k is useless without dedicated+running software that holds preset data and controls the proprietary midi interface, such as: AweUtil TSR, Windows AWE32 Drivers, Dos-game AWE32 drivers, DOS Soundfont midi players. All this software needs about 42kB of presets loaded in normal RAM just to use the 1MB ROM samples, And about 200kB of presets for a 6MB soundfont. The annoying thing in real mode dos programs is that single data structures exceeding 64k are hardly workable, so instead you need DPMI memory extenders and such. And as soon as the mentioned DOS programs are exitted, the preset data is flushed, and any Patch data in Patch ROM/RAM is orphaned and useles!
    This is why the AweUtil TSR is required for MPU support and why it is so large. It is the price to pay for the semi-soft-coded and flexible soundfont system.

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