
Új hozzászólás Aktív témák

  • GrooveHero


    ÉNa akkó a további 8.8-as változások. Lesz itt egy-két dolog :K

    This is NOT a complete list (thank you BonSie for a part of that)

    E-50M keeps its 1200hp engine, 150mm frontal armor

    - 88mm L/71: ROF increased from 6,98 to 8,96
    - 88mm L/71: aimtime reduced from 2,9 to 2,7
    - removed the HL234 and HL230P45 engines
    - increased the second turret hitpoints by 50hp
    - Tank traverse: 23 > 26
    - HP buff on HL210: 650 > 700
    - 82mm armor nerfed to 80mm
    - Turret traverse nerfed: 23 > 18
    - View Range buff: 370 > 380

    Tiger II
    - speed buff to 38
    - increased the stock turret hitpoints by 50HP
    - removed the HL234 and HL230P45 engines, top engine has 700hp
    - Weight decrease 71 > 70
    - Tank traverse buff: 26 > 28
    - 105mm L/68 on it – ROF buff: 5.26 > 5.77
    - View Range Nerf: 400 > 390 (seems it has top turret in vid)
    - Turret traverse buff: 25 > 27

    - Speed Buff: 30 > 40
    - Traverse buff: 21 > 30
    - Top engine removed
    - Max engine is HL234 with 900 HP

    - Top engine Removed
    - Biggest engine is now 234 with 900 HP
    - Traverse buff: 26 > 32

    - 10.5cm ausf B
    - RoF Buff: 6.00 > 6.25
    - Accuracy buff: 0.32 > 0.3
    - Aiming Time buff: 2.3 > 2.1
    New turret model for both E-50 (no changes)
    - E-50 loses its top engine, frontal armor buffed to 150mm

    - Engine is same as Panther changes, 700 HP.
    - Traverse buff: 29 > 32
    - Speed Buff: 46 > 55 (possible same for panther)
    - View Range buff: 350 > 370

    JagdPanther II
    - Same speed increase to 55
    - Traverse buff: 30 > 38

    Words like a weapon, sharp as a knife Fallen from heaven, darkest of nights Long live the rebels hunting for blood I saw the devil, he's one of us

Új hozzászólás Aktív témák