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    válasz vodkaboy22 #29595 üzenetére

    Gyorsan lelomboztál :))

    Pedig ír is valami indoklást, hogy bár szokatlan, miért működne mégis:

    "Yes, the tube heater is used as a resistive load for a power MOSFET source follower. The output is then capactively coupled from there. the 19J6 heater is rated at 18.9V and 150mA. 150mA is a nice healthy current to have running in the output stage - it will drive 32 ohm headphones with ease.

    In case you're wondering, yes, it's OK to put audio on the tube heaters. Think about it - normally they run on 19V RMS AC. In this case they're running on 19V DC, with a little bit of audio superimposed (rarely more than 1V or so). There could (theoretically) be a little coupling from the filament to the cathode - the cathode resistor is un-bypassed - but it would be negative feedback, and the capacitance from heater to cathode is so low compared to the cathode resistor it would probably only be measurable at RF frequencies."

    Na jó, akkor nem variálok, és az a Szekeres-féle kapcsolásnál maradok, amit Bkercso is javasolt.

    Ha már itt vagy, kíváncsi lennék a véleményedre a 6631A vs XMOS PCM5102-vel kapcsolatban.

    Fotóim és kalandjaim a világ körül: https://www.facebook.com/fmartinphoto/

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