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  • Raymond


    válasz barcalaci84 #38870 üzenetére

    Picit egyszerusitve van a blog-on, a policy per pillanat ez:

    "App Sharing is a platform feature and all apps submitted to the Oculus Platform after February 12, 2021 must support App Sharing, unless otherwise agreed to in writing by Oculus. For existing Quest apps on the Oculus Store or submitted for review before February 13, 2021, developers have the choice to opt-out of App Sharing, either entirely or only with respect to sharing of certain add-on content. The deadline to opt-out is February 12, 2021. After February 12, 2021, existing Quest apps on the Oculus Store that have not opted out will automatically support the App Sharing feature. Existing Rift, Go, and Gear apps submitted before February 13, 2021 are not affected by this policy."


    A megjelenes datumabol itelve a Climb 2 joval Feb 13 elott volt beterjesztve, tehat vagy opt-out a fejlesztok reszerol vagy van kulon megallapodasuk. De annyi igaz hogy nem a fejlesztotol/kiadotol fugg hanem a fejleszto/kiado es Oculus kozti megegyezestol, a sharing-et nem engedelyezo jatekok ugyanugy kivetel lesznek mint a cross-buy-t nem tamogato jatekok gondolom.

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