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  • Sir Pocok


    Tényleges kritikák az SW7-ről:

    "A legjobb Star Wars-mozi 1983 óta" - bemutatták Az ébredő Erőt

    Star Wars without George Lucas directing it = Great movie
    14 December 2015 | by Charles Frey (United States) – See all my reviews
    This is definitely a movie you need to get around to watching. One might have thought that they would jump the shark by making a seventh movie but that is false.

    Star Wars is an awesome movie series and I have always been a huge fan. However, I along with many other people dislike George Lucas ever since he turned Star Wars from something he was passionate about into something just to make money for himself which resulted in disappointing fans such as myself. But thanks to him leaving Star Wars to other filmmakers, it allowed a seventh episode to be made and one that turned out to be really good and worth the hype. It wasn't disappointing whatsoever.

    I won't spoil anything but definitely get around to seeing this movie when you get the chance. It might not turn out to be your favorite Star Wars movie but I can guarantee a Star Wars movie without George Lucas won't disappoint you.

    Oh, and Jar Jar Binks is not in the movie. I'll say that much for anybody.

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