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  • ggg666


    válasz Istikee007 #60899 üzenetére

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    " Protection modes: Hide folder, Lock folder, Hide & Lock folder, Read Only

    Hide — When you enable protection, the protected file or folder will not be visible to a user, but it will be possible to access it if you know the path to the object. This may be helpful when you want to hide application folders but allow to run the applications from these folders. E.g. you may hide Hide Folders application folder so nobody will know about it, but if you type from the command prompt "C:\Program Files\Hide Folders 2012\hf.exe", Hide Folders 2012 will run.

    Lock — the protected file or folder will be visible but not accessible. It is similar to built-in protection of Windows NT-based operating systems on NTFS volumes. You can not use this protection method for critical folders, like Windows, Windows\System32, C:\, Hide Folders application folder...

    Hide & Lock — The protected file or folder will not be visible to a user and it will not be possible to access them. This protection mode unites Hide and Lock.

    Read only — You can access the protected files and folders, but you cannot modify them. If you protect folder contents (using asterisk wildcard), you cannot copy files into the folder.

    No protection — If you choose this method, your file or folder will remain unprotected. This method is recommended when you need to unprotect one folder temporarily. If you want to unprotect a folder forever, just remove it from the list."

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