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  • Sk8erPeter


    válasz Hunreal #44879 üzenetére

    Én is azt a hibajelenséget találtam egy másik fórumon, amit joe2005: [link]

    "It should be a driver problem, please update your BIOS and driver from the computer manufacturer's website. You can also test it in Device Clean Boot mode:

    Device Clean Boot
    1. Click Start, type "devmgmt.msc" (without quotation marks) in the Search bar and press Enter.
    2. Expand "Sound, video and game controllers".
    3. Right click on your sound card and then click "Properties.
    4. In the dropdown menu of Device Usage, please choose "Do not use this device (disable)" and click OK.
    5. Please use the same method to disable other dubious hardware such as: internal modem, network card and CD-R drive. Please note some devices such as video adapter are not available to be disabled.

    Please check the results.

    You can upload the minidump file to http://skydrive.live.com/.

    According to the Petkun minidump, it was caused by a Vista driver and it did not indicate which driver it is."


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