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  • Joci10


    válasz concret_hp #4000 üzenetére

    A SETI már ad csomagot, csak hétvégén megint megadta magát néhány szerver:

    "October 1, 2007
    We had three server crashes over the weekend and are recovering now."

    és egy kicsit részletesebben a Technical News részen belülről:

    [I]"What a weekend. Three server crashes in two days, followed by most of today getting things back up and running.

    First bruno went down, hard. We needed to come up to the lab and power it down in order to get it back up. A lot of the server processes didn't come back up and needed help. But bruno is up now, and will hopefully stay that way.

    Then lando and isaac went down. It looks like the UPS they were hooked up to failed without warning. They have single power supplies so when the UPS failed, they both went down. Until we get a replacement, they are hooked directly into an outlet.

    On top of that, automount on bruno is not mounting local devices into their proper places in the NFS tree that gets shared among our systems. That prevented the file deleter and file uploads from working and resulted in the work unit store getting overfilled. Thank the FSM for the "-o bind" option to mount."[/I]

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