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    válasz DarthSun #104570 üzenetére

    Nem ismerem a referenciaidat, de tuti nem az eredeti tntrol beszelsz, mert az amikor megjelent 98 vegen magyarorszagon nem csak ritka de rohadt draga is volt. Te veletlenul nem vmi manli meg hasonlo m64ekrol meg vantakrol szerezted az elsoszamu infoidat joval kesobb? A pornep azt vette, onnan nezve lehet csodanak tunt egy v2. De ket evvel kesobb? 2000 kozepen? Ne viccelj mar… mar 99re is gyaszosan lassu volt a v2 sok cimen, meg szerintem te hozzaszoktal a voodoon abnormalisan tulhuzott gainhez. A v3 analog kimenete valoban parades, es jobb, mint a korabeli nvidiak, de annak nincs koze a 3ds rendernek. De ez az atkoto kabelen logo v2ot megint nem erinti (annal rosszabb nincs). Az egesz analog kepminoseg inkabb 2dn desktopon szembetuno, nem egy korabeli elmosott 3ds grafikan (plane a 3dfx lowend texturaival). A tntnek nem igazan volt versenytarsa a maga koraban, de a tnt2ultra melle is a g400maxot meg ilyesmit lehet odatenni, a v3 ugy hozott hasonlo sebesseget, hogy joval kisebb texturakkal meg ficsorok nelkul renderelt (nem ugyanaz a ket kep).

    Nekem ez az egesz olyannak tunik, mint albaniaban a mercedes, nem baj ha 20-30 eves es rohad, de megis csak mercedes, rossz nem lehet.

    De ha nem hiszel nekem, linkelek par korabeli cikket, es ez 99 elso fele, nem 2000.


    The only areas the Dynamite TNT2 Ultra is lacking in are with it's high price, $229.99 is considerably higher than what you're probably used to paying for. Remember all the Voodoo2 users that spent $300 on a single card? Imagine how they feel now than a single Voodoo2 is less than $100, if you don't mind feeling that way in a couple months, then purchasing the Dynamite TNT2 Ultra should be done with no regrets, otherwise there's no pain in waiting. If the price is too high, and you still want the best in performance, 3dfx seems to be the only other option available. The Voodoo3 isn't a terrible accelerator, although it is sometimes made out to be due to its lack of 32-bit rendering support. The Voodoo3 isn't a card that will keep your bragging privileges at the height of their career as soon as you bag the card, but it is a card that will give you the performance you're looking for, at a more affordable price than the $229.99 Dynamite TNT2 Ultra is setting you back.


    The RIVA TNT is out for several months now and most people agree that it is currently the best 2D/3D solution available. Its only real competitor is the cheaper Voodoo Banshee, a 2D/3D chip that is performing worse than TNT, but which is taking advantage of the powerful brand name 3Dfx. The performance of TNT is only surpassed by 3Dfx's Voodoo2 chip, but you need two add-on 3D-only accelerator cards with this chip to really achieve better performance than TNT. Two Voodoo2 cards are considerably more expensive though and you won't necessarily experience a major difference in 3D gaming. The 3D image quality of TNT is definitely way ahead of products with 3Dfx chips and only the upcoming Rage 128 chip from ATIcould give NVIDIA's RIVA TNT a real run for its money.

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