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  • Ringman


    a milan-ultrák megfenyegették dimarcot - a lakásánál üzentek, elvileg azért, mert a megnyert meccs után a hangosbemondón olyan ultra-nótát énekelt, amiről a 2 csapat ultrái megegyeztek, hogy nem éneklik már (van több ilyen), ennek a benézéséért dimarco bocsánatot is kért hivatalosan


    Federico Dimarco has been threatened with a banner “Focus on playing or well make you swallow your tongue”.
    Theories about Milan fans not having taken his song about Milan after the derby win well.

    Dimarco has apologized. Were any Inter threatening Milan players with intimidating banners after last years scudetto celebrations? This is ridiculous, the song was nothing and was sung in a moment of euforia

    The song Dimarco sang wasn’t sung anymore in curva nord because of an agreement between the two supporter groups in Milano. Apparently milan curva has had songs “cancelled” as well. Dimarco obviously didn’t know and imo the banner is still very exaggerated.

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