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  • chipesz


    válasz Madoc #19822 üzenetére

    Nálam sem megy a Horizon 4-gyel. AC Valhallára szépen visszalép Horizon 4-ről oda ahol abbahagytam, de fordítva már nem megy, újratölt az egész játék.


    It seems like this Quick Resume issue is mostly impacting the ‘Optimized’ games which have been given visual upgrades for the new consoles – this means titles like Gears 5 and Forza Horizon 4 are not necessarily going to work with Quick Resume right now.
    However, titles from previous generations should be running fine with Quick Resume: for instance, you could hop between Xbox Game Pass titles like Mass Effect and Resident Evil 7 to try out this new feature.
    We’ll be sure to let you know when this issue is resolved.


    Ott van az ismert hibák között is, szóval várjunk amíg megoldódik.

    While Quick Resume is fully operational with thousands of titles, we are aware a select number of Optimized titles may be experiencing issues with this feature. To ensure the best possible experience for our fans, we’ve disabled the feature for these titles and are working as quickly as possible to fix this at the platform level.

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    Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra 256 GB

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