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  • e-biza


    amennyiben 1600x1200ben játszottak,ugy megkéröjelezem az értelmét az FSAA-nak, de nem 1600x1200-ban tesztelték a kártyákat ;]


    QUAKE 3 -- Lately I've been testing with the 1.31b4 version for OS 9 and OS X in one or more of the following modes:
    1. ''Fastest'' 32 bit depth and textures, 640x480
    2. ''Normal'' 32 bit depth and textures, 800x600
    3. ''High Quality'' 32 bit depth and textures, 800x600, or 1024x768 or 1280x1024
    4. ''Maximum'' 32 bit depth and textures, 800x600, or 1024x768 or 1280x1024
    (Maximum is the same as ''High Quality'' setting but with Geometric Detail and Texture Detail pushed to maximum)
    I also have made the following config tweaks in console mode (''~''):

    s_chunksize 2048 (OS X only)
    s_mixahead .07 (the fastest setting without disabling sound)
    cg_scoreplums 0 (OS 9 and Windows XP)
    r_smp 1 (for MP machines) or r_smp 0 (for single cpu machines)
    all other settings remain at default
    The DEMO file run is the one that comes with version 1.30 called FOUR.DM_66 (renamed to FOUR.DM_67 for version 1.31b4)

    TEST METHOD: When the main screen appears, I press ''~'' and enter ''timedemo 1'' (return) and ''~'' once more. Then I click on DEMOS and run the first DEMO. Once it finishes and returns to the main screen, I press ''~'' once more to get the average frames per second readout.

    (A Windows version of Quake3 is available also. )

    UNREAL TOURNAMENT -- Unreal Tournament (436 for OS 9 and 436x3 for OS X) was used with the Wicked400.dem document. All or some of these settings are used depending on the model of Mac being tested:
    1. ''FASTEST'' -- 640x480, 32 bit, LOW World Texture Detail, LOW Skin Detail, Decals OFF, Dynamic Lighting OFF, Minimum Frame Rate = 0, Sound Quality LOW and volume OFF, All other Sound options OFF, Gore Level NORMAL, View Bob LOWEST, Game Speed 100%, Weapon Flash OFF, Dodging OFF, ngStats Local OFF, HUD - OFF.
    2. ''MAX'' -- 1024x768, 32bit, HIGH World Texture Detail, HIGH Skin Detail, Decals ON, Dynamic Lighting ON, Minimum Frame Rate = 0, Sound Quality HIGH and volume LOW, Gore Level NORMAL, View Bob MEDIUM, Game Speed 100%, Weapon Flash ON, Dodging ON, ngStats Local ON, HUD - all boxes checked.

    TEST PROCEDURE: Practice Session was selected. Instead of pressing the ''shoot'' key to start, I press the ''~'' key. When the console comes up, I enter ''demoplay wicked400'' (return or enter). Then immediately press ''~'' (to make console disappear. When the fight sequence is done and the words Unreal Tournament appear alone on the screen, I press ''~'' again to get the minimum, maximum, and average frames per second. Bare Feat's graphs show AVERAGE. (Wicked400.dem has to be in the main folder and can be obtained from 3Dpulpit.com) (A Windows version of Unreal Tournament is also available. )

    UNREAL TOURNAMENT 2003 Macintosh DEMO was released on May 9th, 2003. We'll be using it in place of Unreal Tournament (2001) in the days ahead. For more info on UT2003, visit MacSoft. To download a copy of the Mac DEMO, visit MacGameFiles.

    You'll also want the app that automatically runs the benchmark samples: BenchUT2003. First launch the DEMO (or commercial version) to set video quality to maximum and screen rez to 1024x768. Then quit and run BenchUT2003.

    Liƒє is too short. - http://www.lowcostdomain.eu

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